
Athletes who are blind and compete in the Paralympic Games are required to wear an eye mask to ensure there is a level playing field amongst competitors. Totally blind athletes who compete in running events at the Paralympic games are tethered by hand to a sighted guide. Through this process, athlete and guide navigate safely and successfully from the start line to the finish.
In this experiential learning exercise, Connected Insight, participants mimic the experience that an athlete/guide experience in the Paralympic Games.
- Divide participants into pairs. One person will act as the athlete, and the other person will act as the guide.
- Each pair will have an opportunity to practice navigating from the start line to the finish line (eight people/four tandems can safely participate at one time). There is no requirement for how fast you maneuver. Do what feels comfortable (e.g. walk, jog, or run). After all tandems have safely navigated to the finish line, we will take 5-10 minutes to debrief with the group as a whole.
- After the debrief session, tandems will remain the same but now the previously blindfolded athlete will become the guide, and the guide will become the athlete. Athlete and guide will navigate from the start line to the finish line. Once all tandems have reached the finish, we will debrief for 5-10 minutes.
- After the debrief, we will have a friendly competition between the tandems. Each pair will have the choice in deciding who will be athlete and guide for the competition round. Once the tandems have been determined, we will have the competition, the tandem that crosses the finish line first in each heat will be crowned the winner. Bragging rights is the prize!
Trust is a major factor within today’s workplace, and when we navigate through “darkness,” it can create uneasiness within the team which drives down productivity. Through Connected Insight, the athlete/guide pair will learn trust and confidence through the curated exercises. This activity also challenges the pair to work collaboratively to achieve success. Additionally, participants will exercise their communication, emotional intelligence, competence, communication, and strategy and planning skills.
Get Connected
Contact Lex today to find out how his Connected Insight experiential learning program can improve communication, trust and collaboration on your team. Whether you gather onsite at the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center or he brings this program to you, this unique event is guaranteed to be a once in a lifetime experience.